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Inadmissible To United States

What does it mean to be Inadmissible to the United States?

Grounds of Inadmissibility apply to non-citizens who are seeking "admission" to the U.S. "Admission" is the term for a lawful entry into the U.S. that occurs after being inspected by and authorized by an immigration officer. An "Applicant for Admission," refers to:

(1) Non-citizens who arrive at a port-of-entry to the U.S.;

(2) Non-citizens who are already in the U.S. without being lawfully admitted, and;

(3) Nonimmigrants who are in the U.S. and are applying for Adjustment of Status.

If you are inadmissible to the U.S. for any of the following reasons, you may be ineligible to apply for certain immigration benefits and forms of relief. There are exceptions and waivers allowed for certain grounds of inadmissibility. See "Waiver of Inadmissibility," below to learn more.


Health-Related Grounds

Health-Related Grounds

Communicable Disease (Ex. Tuberculosis or certain STDs)

Drug Abusers or Addicts

Physical or Mental Disorders

Illegal Entrants & Immigration Violators

Illegal Entrants & Immigration Violators

Entry Without Inspection (EWI)

Failure to Attend Removal Proceedings

False Claim to U.S. Citizenship

Fraud or Misrepresentation



Unlawful Presence after Previous Removal from U.S.

Criminal-Related Grounds

Criminal-Related Grounds

Controlled Substance Violations

Crimes involving Moral Turpitude (CIMT)

Drug Trafficking (no conviction required)

Human Trafficking

Money Laundering

Multiple Criminal Convictions with a total aggregate prison sentence of 5 years or more

Prostitution or Commercial Vice

Practicing Polygamists

Spouse/ Child of Drug Trafficker Benefited from Drug Trafficking within past 5 years

Spouse/ Child of Human Trafficker Benefited from Human Trafficking within past 5 years

Ntional Security Related Grounds

National Security-Related Grounds

Foreign Govt Officials who committed

particularly severe violations of human rights

Membership into Totalitarian Party

Nazis, Participants in genocide, torture or extrajudicial killings


Economic Grounds

Economic Grounds

Public Charge

Oher Inadmissibility Grounds

Other Inadmissibility Grounds

Persons Subject to Civil Penalty

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